How To Treat HIV
Medicines for HIV Treatment
The very first miracle drugs that are used for HIV treatments are the anti-retroviral medications (ARV) and highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). These are causing horrible side effects but both were found to be effective in battling HIV. As years passed, these two medications have been refined and additional treatments were also developed. The Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTI) is one of the medications that slow the spread of HIV in the body. It stops the infection from making a protein which will later become a replicate of an HIV cell.
Similar to NNRTI is the Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTI). This medicine also prevents the spread of HIV by creating fake replications of the protein being used by the HIV infection for reproduction. On the other hand, protease inhibitors slow the production of this protein-prop called protease. Fusion or Entry Inhibitors is another kind of medicine treatment that stops the virus from entering the cells where they stay and replicate. These four drugs are effective on keeping the virus at bay but in some cases, the effect won't last for long. Because of this, a combination of ARV medicines is being formulated to directly combat the HIV.
How to Manage HIV
Aside from medications, proper management of the HIV disease is highly necessary to completely build up a strong defense against it. This could help to extend the delay of HIV from turning into AIDS which is its last and fatal stage. Correct dosage and medicine intake on a specific time is one thing that HIV positive people should remember and follow. Every patient diagnosed with HIV has their own medication plan and this has to be followed closely. The first thing that the infected person should manage is their diet. A healthy diet is required and daily meals should mostly be comprised of vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and a little amount of sweets.
Exercise is also important for HIV-positive people. They would need to build their muscle mass to encourage appetite. This is a good way to fight weight loss, reduce stress and improve the sleeping process. An HIV-positive individual must also stop from activities that could possibly weaken their immune system. Smoking is the top hindrance towards recovery from different sicknesses. In the case of an HIV- infected person, smoking would only make the situation worse. It will be harder to battle the infection and it would enhance the side effects of medicine.
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